General Regulations of the PM WANI Scheme

Switched telephone services cannot be offered by PM WANI Wi-Fi framework participants. The Central Registry, Captive Portal, App Provider’s App, and Wi-Fi Access Point all need to adhere to the WANI Framework’s architectural guidelines. A WANI-compliant WAP can be used by any consumer who has been verified by an app provider to access the Internet.…

The Best Features and Advantages of PM WANI Scheme

Introduction to PM WANI Scheme The Modi administration has unveiled the PM WANI project to improve internet accessibility. The PM WANI initiative is an acronym for Public Wi-Fi Access Network Interface. The goal of this project is to install free Wi-Fi networks all around the nation. Real Implication of PM WANI Scheme The public Wi-Fi…

What is the App Provider and Role, how it work?

An App Provider creates and manages a software programme and its backend infrastructure for user authentication so that users can register and find WANI compliant Wi-Fi hotspots. Additionally, they offer one-click connections from within the app. The public certificate is used for signature validation during an App Provider’s Central Registry registration. Users can create profiles…

What Is PDOA and Role, and How It Works

What is PODA? The full form of PODA is Public Data Office Aggregator and he must register with the Central Registry and validate signatures using its public certificate. It must also register the SSIDs, locations, and WiFi Access Points of the PDOs it is linked with. Several WANI-enabled WAPs run by various PDOs must be…