The Best Features and Advantages of PM WANI Scheme

Introduction to PM WANI Scheme

The Modi administration has unveiled the PM WANI project to improve internet accessibility. The PM WANI initiative is an acronym for Public Wi-Fi Access Network Interface. The goal of this project is to install free Wi-Fi networks all around the nation.

Real Implication of PM WANI Scheme

The public Wi-Fi network service is referred to as the PM WANI scheme. To make Wi-Fi services accessible to everyone, these systems must be installed throughout the nation by the Public Data Office Aggregators. The Public Data Offices, or PDOs, in each region will offer these services. The finest part of the PM WANI concept is that there would be no license fee for the common people of India to use these services. In a nation like India, it is a great step towards technical growth.

Advantages of PM WANI Scheme

The PM WANI program has brought about a number of advantages for the nation. Below is a list of some of them:

  • A fresh influx of internet users will enter the nation as a result. The PM WANI initiative would promote internet usage even in rural India and provide everyone with access to a vast array of new commercial and recreational opportunities.
  • The PM WANI plan will make connectivity unproblematic.
  • The PM WANI project would serve as a catalyst for the development of a digital India where even a tiny shopkeeper will have access to Wi-Fi.
  • According to the TRAI research, there would be a 10% rise in internet penetration, which will raise GDP by 1.4%.
  • The PM WANI project will also eliminate the digital divide between rural and urban India, bridging the gap between these two worlds.
  • When individuals sign up for private 5G service providers, the government’s PM WANI scheme’s internet service will be less expensive.

Issues Faced by the PM WANI Scheme

India is a very large country, thus putting the PM WANI concept into action will be difficult. Some of these difficulties include:

  • Many security risks will affect the overall network. Through a single device placed at a specific location, millions of people will be able to access the internet.
  • It would be extremely difficult to transmit sensitive information across such a large network without any security leaks.
  • A public Wi-Fi will have an extremely poor speed due to the large number of simultaneous users.

But, with strong cyber security architecture, these issues can be resolved.

Impact of PM WANI Scheme

The PM WANI project installs internet infrastructure all across India with the goal of making it technologically independent. Rural India currently has a poor internet penetration rate, but the PM WANI initiative will do all possible to change that. It will be the nation’s next major step if properly carried out.

The goal is to increase the nation’s technological strength and independence. Also, this will make it incredibly convenient for everyone to get information. Under the PM WANI Plan, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has given his approval for public Wi-Fi to be installed nationwide in India. The incident took place on December 9, 2020.